Friday, November 20, 2009

HAHA Holiday!!!

YEAH!!! Today is the last day of school hahaha... After school Bryan and me straight away went to K-Box at The Spring for 3 hour hehe... and after that we went to Sushi King to eat, the food is really nice!!! I got a lot of free time on this holiday dono what to do... haha

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Haha today is the day to get our report card... all my subject had pass except my SEJARAH!!! I hate that subject... if that subject is not a compulsory subject i'm going to drop it!!! we had a meeting with Mr. Bong (our national secondary coordinator ). He tell us a good news and a bad news, the good news is there is no more EST for next year haha... but the bad news is Dr. sue was shock on our form 4 result, I think it is because of this, next year we will have extra class for every subject!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Last Week of the School

This week is the last week of the school... Today we watch Death Note 3 and play Chinese Chess at school for the whole day. The last period Mr. Lim (our Mathematics teacher) and Mr. Ting (our Biology teacher) had a match and Mr. Lim won!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

The day after exam...

Today everyone in our class is so happy because we have already finish our final exam... I laugh for the whole day in school (u can see that on the picture). Tomorrow is our class trip to "bio something centre" I forgot the name hehe... But i'm not going because of something happened to my family... So hope they enjoy their trip!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

YEAH!!!! Finish EXAM!!!!

Yesterday I have finish my EST paper it is hard but that is the last paper for the year end exam... XD... I feel so happy!!! just like when I finish my PMR exam last year!!! But next year I'm form 5 already so have to prepare for the SPM exam. I'm going to be busy for the whole year!!!